♡♡♡One Direction♡♡♡ |
Daftar List Lagu One Direction di dalam Album "Made In The A.M."
Hellooo direction lovers~
Mimin suka banget ma album ini. Yah walopun gak ada ayang mimin tercinta, yaitu Zayn Malik. Tapi tanpanya suara mereka tetep bagus kok.
mimin paling suka banget ma lagu ♡"Perfect"♡ dan "Infinity" juga "Love You Goodbye" and "End Of The Day".
Ada yang setuju dengan saya??? ^^
Kalo gak percaya mah coba gih dengerin lagunya, dan baca lirik terjemahannya. So sweet mah. Hehe ♡♡♡♡♡
Di blog saya ini, ada lagu instrumennya juga looh. Mimin paling suka banget ma lagu intrumentalnya "Perfect". [Ada versi instrumentalnya, versi piano nya dan versi gitarnya. Susah payah seeh mimin dapet nih instrumennya. Tapi gpp deh, demi kebaikan, mimin share deh di blog mimin tersayang ini, Yook check it out..!!! ^^
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Ini dia nih,
Daftar List Lagu One Direction di dalam Album "Made In The A.M." (2015-2016)
Hey Angel *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
Drag Me Down *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
Perfect *(♡Download This Song♡ ||
♡See This Lyrics♡)
Infinity *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
End of the Day *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
If I Could Fly *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
Long Way Down *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
Never Enough *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
Olivia *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
What a Feeling *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
Love You Goodbye *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
I Want to Write You a Song *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
History *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
Temporary Fix (Deluxe Edition) *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
Walking In the Wind (Deluxe Edition) *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
Wolves (Deluxe Edition) *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
A.M (Deluxe Edition) *(♡Download This Song♡ || ♡See This Lyrics♡)
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